Assignment 3

More and more young people buy fashion items on IG shops in recent years as various styles can be found and the price is cheaper than buying the same item in physical stores. Moreover, the pandemic facilitates people to shop online more frequently as it is more convenient and safe. Recent Instagram shopping statistics reveal that more than 130 million Instagram users were using it for shopping and were willing to click on a shopping post each month.

The market has a very great potential as the number of transactions keeps increasing. However, it could be challenging for both customers and IG shop owners to reach each other. About 25 million brands are now using Instagram to sell their products, and small to middle-scale IG shops could be drowning in a sea of IG shops since the search function on Instagram is not convenient enough for the users to find a shop that they may like among the numerous search results.

Click here if you would like to know more about the challenges they encountered and the possible solutions.