Assignment 1

This is my first assignment of COMM5961 that I have created this website to compose all the 5 assignments. This is my first time that I have ever developed my own website and it is hoped that I can present it as a portfolio when I am applying for jobs in the future.

As an undergraduate student in social sciences, it is always so exciting for me to learn something new other than my fields, especially knowledge or skills related to technology and computer science. It is never easy to learn and master a new skill, I would say that learning by doing is the one and only way for me.

By doing this assignment, I realized that I still have been confused about some concepts which I had learned from previous lectures. This practical task has undoubtedly refreshed my knowledge and skills. I would like to share more about why and how I have developed the website like this, and some difficulties that I encountered to not only keep a record of my working flow but also try to communicate with others.

For more details, please see in my journal.